This is the least we can do to support and welcome those taking refuge in Australia…

If you were following the news at all in August, you would have heard all about the crisis in Afghanistan. After America withdrew their troops from the country in September, the Taliban were able to take control of Kabul and consequently returning to power in Afghanistan in a matter of weeks: effectively undoing decades of social progress.
This complex and evolving situation has left countless Afghan citizens forced to evacuate the country and take refuge in allied countries, including here down under.
Hundreds of evacuees have recently arrived in Australia with nothing but the clothes on their back, many losing family members in the rush to get on a plane out, landing here totally alone.
Although we typically work with social enterprises to help distribute reusable textiles, sometimes when resources are required urgently, we work with directly with boots on the ground volunteers to provide much needed resources.
So we recently sent several handpicked support packages with various essential, and nonessential products to displaced families resettling in Australia. The packs consist of things like socks, underwear, shoes, pants, shirts, jackets, backpacks, and even some fun tidbits like jewellery, water bottles, and sunglasses!
Everything included is brand new and has been sourced from some of new retail partners who we’ve teamed up with to recycle their faulty and aged stock ♻️
Whilst the packs may not change lives, after leaving everything behind, new clothes can be immensely important beyond their basic functionality. They can help to lift self-esteem, give confidence, and provide a sense of belonging.
If you’d like to learn more about the situation in Afghanistan, we’ve added a link to the Foreign Correspondent’s episode here